Individuals and Families in a Diverse Society,
(HHS4M) Grade 12, University/College Preparation
By the end of this course, students will:
• use appropriate social science research methods in the investigation of issues affecting individuals and families in a diverse society;
• access, analyse, and evaluate information, including opinions, research evidence, and theories, related to individuals and families in a diverse society;
• analyse issues and data from the perspectives associated with key theories in the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology;
• communicate the results of their inquiries effectively
By the end of this course, students will:
– formulate research questions and develop hypotheses reflecting specific theoretical frameworks;
– select and access secondary sources reflecting a variety of viewpoints (e.g., academic texts; research reports and journals) (online sources)
- demonstrate an understanding of research methodologies, appropriate research ethics, and specific theoretical perspectives for conducting primary research (e.g., interviews, surveys and questionnaires, observation, experiment);
– use appropriate current information technology (e.g., CD-ROM, the Internet, e-mail) to access or transmit information (e.g., conduct surveys or interviews).
-will be using their peer helpers to help formulate their survey questions and post their survey
-student will have the option to formulate the survey and create the FIVE in the report
International Society for Technology in Education
Models digital age work and learning standards
Teachers exhort knowledge skills and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
- demonstrates fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
- collaborates with students, peers, parents and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation
- communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to peers, parents and students using a variety of digital age media and formats
Assessment Teacher will lead a roundtable discussion after all have posted their reports, on revelations made through their project by gathering information using the survey monkey. Students will verbalized what they liked most and least about the project and elaborate from there.
The Survey Says 
Remind students the importance of social science surveys that work to gain perspective within society. Brainstorm with the class on how surveys are used for making informed decisions on important government issues, finding the best solutions or just determining a majority. Also brainstorm testable issues relevant to family or individuals living in a diverse society. Explain how they will now take on the role of a sociologist and research a topic of social significance.
Step 1
-formulate a hypothesis centered on child socialization/parenting style (If …Then) in your google drive
-research the four kinds of parenting styles and create questions that will support your hypothesis, be certain to link all sources to your document
-your survey will include 4 qualitative (Why) and 4 quantitative (#’s) questions
Step 2
-become familiar with all the options and find the best fit for your survey
-distribute your survey on facebook, twitter and our Google+ forum
Step 3
Create & Connect a FIVE based on your survey to one of the four theorists Piaget, Erikson, Maslow or Freud. Use links for your secondary research facts and answer your interesting question. Explain how the theorist’s work is related to your survey when voicing your opinion and give an example from your life experience. Create this is Google drive and post in our community forum
F= fact, I = an interesting question, V= voice your opinion, E = your experience
Step 4
The following week after people have answered your survey, collect your data and create a report explaining if your hypothesis was supported or disproved. Include a graph with the inferences and primary information gleaned from this social science experiment and post it in the forum. Also include in your report what questions you could have included, what would have worked differently and something you should have included.
Notice in the Specific Expectations section ... the highlighted red color... the fact CD ROM is listed as a resource and online resources is not show how dated the curriculum is