Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Inquiry is the Key

-where ideas can be transformed into a learning opportunity              
-a student centered inquiry method
-ownership of the learning prompts challenge and testing of ideas

A great example of Inquiry Based Learning

-an active exploration of a given topic chosen through student interest
-knowledge gained through presentation skills
-feedback prompts further inquiry

A great example of Project Based Learning PS. Its called the ADA Project

-a method used to help students develop self directed learning through the creation of a real world problem
-in groups students then identify their knowledge, build upon it by finding new avenues of inquiry to solve the problem

An great example of Problem Based Learning

In the 21st century INQUIRY is what its all about!


  1. I love the inquiry process chart at the beginning! It is so detailed and really explains everything very easily.

  2. Thanks for the post Ada. I wonder, how much do these methods overlap? Which do you feel are timeless? Why is this post relevant in the 21st Century...or would it be relevant in any Century?
    I am a big fan of Inquiry driven lessons, but do find that I tend to incorporate problem based into most inquiries.
