Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Sharing anything online can be a little scary at first.  Many people I know refuse to have a facebook account, online banking or indulge any way they could be connected, as if it were a disease.  Wake up people this is the 21st century!  
I must admit at first I was a bit skeptical for this new world of technology.  When internet banking first arrived I rejected the whole idea of using a card to do my banking and not speaking directly to a teller. Today I cannot imagine it any other way, I mean who even has time to stand in line for a teller?

I believe a person should share as much as they feel comfortable doing but, I have learned a lesson I will not soon forget.  Knowing your boundaries will enable you to have the freedom to express yourself, never cross that boundary.  You are not going to tell your whole life story...maybe just the interesting parts.  This puts a whole new spin on my favorite concept in sociology  front stage back stage !

When I first started out teaching in adult education, I found the students to be very needy and really looking for someone to care.  This can be very difficult for me because I do care and while others cautioned, I still trusted.  Consequently, a student got hold of my personal information and used it to create an account on twitter.  I am not certain how they did it but, I was informed by my friends from Camp Kumuntome that I was saying nasty things on twitter.  Unfortunately for me, if you Google my name you will find this problem listed as adastorin@kumuntome. My catholic employer may wonder what is going on and any prospective employers may be discouraged!

Are we really safe?

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