Sunday, February 1, 2015

Teachers are the New Students

How is the role of the teacher and learner changing in the 21st Century?

In this new century everything about education seems to be changing and adapting to fit student needs.  We adapt programs, look for alternatives and differentiate our instruction in ways that reach all of our students, so they find that potential within themselves to grow successfully.  The technology of today has given us more options than ever to find these pathways leading to success, both as teachers and students.  
As students, we must be open to the challenge of keeping on the pulse of technology.  We have an ability to continue learning and  I feel it is our obligation, as teachers, to keep the standards for teaching at an optimum.  We could be leaders in our own schools and share our knowledge to help the whole community of teacher/learners.
As teachers, we must be aware of the way technology has transformed society and created a world of instant access.  Students today are already connected in many ways to the online world and we need the ability to interconnect, guide their research, show them boundaries and direct them in ways that will enhance their ability to learn.  In essence, we become the students by learning the new technology and keeping on the cutting edge of how best to enhance our students learning experience.
We can no longer be the “Sage on the Stage” we need to be the “Guide on the Side”  and let our students engage in the learning by taking ownership of it.  By taking ownership, students gain control of what they feel is important, what they want to learn and how this can all be connected back to their own lives.  We will teach our students with all the tools and skills that we have learned and they will learn how creative and fun education can be.
It really is all about moving forward.  We keep seeking new ways and discovering links that give learning a whole new “interface”

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  1. Wow..this is so inspirational Ada. I love that with all your experience and years in education as teacher, parent and grandparent, that you are so willing to continue your own learning. Your experience as parent/grandparent could be very valuable here because you can see how education and school has changed so much over the last several years. As you note, "As teachers, we must be aware of the way technology has transformed society and created a world of instant access"....and we need to model effective ways to use this access to information for learning. You are doing just that...I would imagine that your family must see you working on these courses to better yourself - talk about role modelling for them!

  2. I love the Inspector Gadget image -and I love that you have continued your own learning! Zoe was right -what a great example to set for your kids and grandkids! I really appreciate that you are open to looking and trying the 'guide on the side'. Teachers are notorious for being in control and stepping into the role of co-learner, co-planner can be daunting for many. But, the reality is, that students are willing to learn and even more willing to share what they've discovered using technology! I know I have already learned more from my 'coding club' this year that I ever expected!!

  3. Working with adults and helping them with their high school credits has been both rewarding and a learning experience. I always give my students ownership of the learning by asking them what have they learned on a particular subject and what can they tell us from their experience. This really sets them up as contributors and engages them into what they feel is important. The practice of androgyny is a little different than pedagogy, as I have found. Their experience can contribute greatly and sharing of this information boosts the understanding, in my classroom.
