Monday, February 2, 2015

Expand Your Horizon

Why is it important for teachers to keep learning?


  1. Such a great question and one we, as educators, should continue to ask ourselves. It is so easy to fall into habits, to keep teaching the same boring unit year after year. It's easy right? But I think we need to keep learning new skills, share ideas with others, stay "fresh". If we want our students to take risks, then we should lead by example and do the same!

  2. Thanks for you input Candice! When my kids were young, year after year they all came home with the same work. Then in high school, same novels, even the ones I read in school. As teachers we need to model the importance of keeping in touch with the world. I enjoy my routine of announcing the latest news or trend and then ask students what they think of this to generate a conversation. Its not a big thing but, a daily reminder for them the importance of staying abreast of the news.
