Friday, May 15, 2015

Questioning Blogs!

What is the difference between a classroom blog or website and your own professional blog?

With both blogs you would have the same respect and professionalism.  Perhaps the tone of each would be a little different by either demonstrating a serious or playful attitude. Your professional blog would hold your opinions and values, while the classroom blog would be more student friendly.
How does your writing change based on who your audience is?
Just as your strategies change based on which student you may be working with, so to with your writing approach.  You would want to use language fit for students in the class for your class blog and save the technical theories for the professional colleagues.  In my work as an adult education teacher, I may feel comfortable sharing the professional with some.  This really works to build confidence in that student by allowing them to be on the same level.
How does the formatting of your text change?  
Again depending on the age group, it may be easier for less literate students to have small sentences easily spaced.  While professional blogs could make reference to theories or worldly events.  Its all in the context.
Why would you want to separate a professional blog (like the one you have for this course and a classroom website?

To put it simply, for organizational purposes.  You would not think of putting your apples in the potato drawer, so why put your thoughts and opinions down, where details and current events belong.  The two both follow the expected protocol for social networking, yet have very different purposes and perspectives.

1 comment:

  1. I just left you a comment on your google doc suggesting you add it to your blog. Awesome. I like the analogy as well. Zoe
