Friday, April 17, 2015

Blended Tools

Blended Learning Tools


a learning management system
If I was an e-learning teacher for our board
-many Brightspace employment opportunities in Kitchener, Ontario
-similar to Blackboard
-a dropbox for assignments
-students have not been able to keep the momentum and finish
-some systems have long wait times for teacher help is common complaint I hear

a private social network platform
I would not use this as there is too much available for free
-a private facebook
-build your own network of friends & hopefully they can also afford the fee
-need a credit card to qualify for the ‘free” trial

an organization tool for a blended classroom
two days per week in computer lab for online research, one day for quizz
-it tracks student progress
-you direct them to resources
-lesson plans available
-resources are confined, stunts creativity
-quizzes can be plagiarized
-can it be linked to G+?
-i can’t be just Ada ...i must be Mrs. Storin

Just a snapshot view of the three learning tools mentioned.  Edmodo is on my list for a more indepth look.  It seems to be something that could work well in conjunction with Google+ and of course the in classroom discussion circle to model a blended classroom.

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