Monday, April 6, 2015

Digital Citizen

After revisiting and reviewing the computer policies outlined at the Niagara Catholic District School Board, I have determined that the task of keeping students informed of any changes to the policy would be insurmountable.  The adjustments to the policies would be made at the same speed the technology changes, which makes this a very difficult feat.  

In my adult education classes, students sign a waiver that allows them to use board computers provided they follow the guidelines outlined in the document.  They must agree to researching the internet in a respectful manner and avoid offensive or non educational sites. Some of my students are no strangers to proxy servers or by whatever means of bypassing the safeguards in place they can manipulate.  I have several times found students on sites that are restricted yet, they are able to access them.  Reminders only serve to shut them down for the moment but, some of these sites I feel have much educational value to offer.  As a sociology teacher, having access to demonstrate experiments through a short clip would really reinforce the concepts in social science research, unfortunately I do not have access to Youtube.   

Digital Citizenship is necessary in the classroom that uses the internet for resources and claiming ownership for their own thoughts as well as citing resources becomes second nature.  While our board recognizes that individuals have freedom to browse, they are protecting themselves by putting the onus on the users to be respectful. There really is no avenue to pursue a fail safe system.  
Presently, at our school all students log in the computer using the same password.  I believe a system where each has a separate password to identify the researcher or student, would make them accountable.  Once they login an information page could remind them of their responsibilities in using a ncdsb computer before they continue.  Any college or university has a password system yet I have to wonder, without that digital signature does the footprint even exist? Students will learn how they are able to circumvent the rules in the same way they are able to jump through censored roadblocks!  

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